A finance technique in which a business sells invoiced receivables at a discount to a bank or finance house ( the factor) or to an internal finance company. 企业将应收账款以折价出售给银行或金融机构(应收账款收购商)或内部财务公司。
Then Mr Iqbal built a discount brand for TOPPS, called tile clearing house. 然后,伊克巴勒为topps建起一个折扣品牌,叫作tileclearinghouse。
Importer: I represent Reese Computer and Supply Company. We're a high-volume, discount mail-order house. 我是李斯电脑供应公司的代表,是大规模的折价邮购公司。
We ''re a high-volume, discount mail-order house. 我们是大规模的折价邮购公司。
Due to different discount rates, there are two types of agents in the market: the borrower ( the house developer) with borrowing constraint and the saver ( the family). 因为贴现率不同,市场上出现两类参与者:借方(房地产商)和储蓄方(家庭),借方面临信贷约束。